Everything is Permissible but not everything is beneficial

Freedom to Be

We are truly free when we are able to choose with wisdom and measure our choices by their spiritual benefit. If our freedom creates negative consequences in our relationship with God, our pure conscience, the lives of our loved ones and the people of the world, then we need to take this into consideration.

“Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial…. I shall not be mastered by anything” 1 Corinthian 10:23

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Your Focus Becomes Your Reality

Your focus becomes your reality

It’s not how we start but how well we finish. We need to focus our vision on where we are going in 2021. We all need clarity so that we can run. When we have a focus, we are more likely to put up with hardship and not to give up. We need to be discerning and to choose wholesome goals, not goals that the world tells us that we need: fame, power, money. We need to focus on renewing our mind so that we do not conform to the ways of this world. When we focus, we will be aligned with what is truly important in our lives.

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