Fifth Day of Christmas

Fifth Day of Christmas: Five Gold Rings

The first five books of the Old Testament, also known as The Law, Torah, or Pentateuch (Greek: πεντάτευχος, pentáteuchos, ‘five scrolls’), refers to the book of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These books are originally ascribed to Moses, and is central to Jewish and Christian traditions.

Genesis talks about the Creation of the world and traces the ancestral origins of Israel, while Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy recounts the Israelite salvation from Egypt (see “Prince of Egypt”), the wilderness journey, and the revelation of law at the divine mountain.

The stories are told as they are – the good and the bad. This is the story of mankind, and for them to be true, they must contain the success and the failures of the people whose stories are being told, their strengths and weaknesses are part of being human.

Genesis: Creation of Earth, the first humans, sin and fall, the Flood, Canaan, the Famine, move to Egypt.

Exodus: Salvery in Egypt, flight from Egypt led by Moses, worship of the golden calf, building of the Tabernacle

Leviticus: the laws of Holy Living, reward and punishment

Numbers: rebellion, Israelites wander 40 years in the desert

Deuteronomy: setting things right, seeing the Promised Land (Canaan)

The Pentateuch gives us a glimpse of our ancestry and reminds us that the standards of holy living are high. All have sinned and fallen short. That is the human nature. We need to stop doing what is comfortable for us and start living right even if it means more work and effort. It is never easy, just as portrayed in The Pilgrim’s Progress (from This World, to that Which is to Come) by John Bunyan. As Christian’s journey proves, the road to Heaven is not easy, the cost is great, and the true Christian must be willing to pay the cost no matter what.

Pilgrim’s Progress synopsis:

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