Fourth Day of Christmas: Four Calling Birds

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The four calling birds calling out the Christmas message. The Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John bring the Message of Hope. The word “gospel” (euangelion in Greek) means “good news.” Paul writes that “our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction.”  1 Thessalonians 1:5. We understand that the stories told in the gospels are not simply words, but life-transforming through the exemplary life of the Saviour, who was fully God and fully human, able to empathise with human weakness. He was considered a rebel in the culture and society of His times, yet He did no wrong. Through the Gospels, we can understand His teachings and model His works.

The Gospels are accounts of four very different persons telling the story from different perspectives. Luke is a doctor and writes for the non-Jewish audience. John writes from a totally different perspective from Matthew, Mark and Luke where he begins the story with “In the beginning…”, emphasizing the divinity of the Saviour. The Gospels quite frequently refer to the Old Testament to infer the fulfilment of the prophecies.

Jesus was never in a hurry, never worried, and always in time (even to raise the dead). He talks to different audiences, addressing their needs, speaking with love. He reveals who He is and who God is. He responds to different situations, not react. We often react without thinking. based on fear and insecurities. These reactions might not always be the best course of action, and can make others unhappy, make things worse for us, make the situation worse. Responding, on the other hand, is taking the situation in, and deciding the best course of action based on values such as reason and compassion.

#12daysofchristmas #fourthdayofchristmas #gospel #goodnews


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